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An Unexpected Gift

I want to begin by saying that I hope that you and yours had a wonderful Christmas and that I am forever grateful and overwhelmed by the...

Oil Change

As anyone who has owned a car knows, routine maintenance is involved. A task once done at home, the oil change has become a pop in and...

Emergency Kit: Worry

Worry, when I was deciding which Emergency Kit to assemble first, it just seemed like a good place to start. Here is my collection, I...

The Emergency Kit

When we learn to drive, one thing that is encouraged as we take off for the first road trip is to make sure that we have an emergency kit...

Social Distancing

I hope that this post finds you and your family well and relatively sane. I have begun my fifth day at home and although I have made a...

Feeling Low at Thanksgiving?

The holidays are the hardest time to be suffering loss, heartbreak, disappointment, and depression. I have another article to share...

Grief and loss at the holidays

As many of you know, we lost my dad a few weeks ago, in April, my younger brother lost his wife, and my nephew, through a breakup lost...

Best Laid Plans

I am reminded of other things in life though, that may not go exactly as we have planned, plotted, and hoped for.

Slow Hard Drive?

I don’t know about you, but I rely heavily on my computer and these days, my phone, to complete tasks and access information. But I will...

Did you get a call?

Do you ever look back or the past few years and it is like you can see puzzle pieces that linked together to bring you where you are...

Be Still

Here we are entering the season of back to school, extracurricular activities, an end to daylight savings time, a change in the cycle of...

Procrastination by Association

A few weeks ago, a friend tagged me on Facebook about a writing contest for short stories with the comment that I should enter! I was so...

The big picture

The wedding day is a time of bliss and love where the focus is on the two of you and it seems that time stands still as you play out the...

Church Camp

Have you been to church camp? I have been blessed to be both teen camper as well as camp counselor and the experience of being at camp...

An answer of "no."

This will likely be one of, if not the, hardest blog post that I will ever share. This post will deal with, what happens when we pray...


"Hear my prayer, O LORD, listen to my cry for help." –Psalm 39:12 How many of us have sat in a room with others, in a hospital waiting...


Free·dom /ˈfrēdəm/ noun 1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. 2. absence of...

What a Jam!

It was starting to cool off at night as September came to a close and fall was just around the corner. My houseplants that had enjoyed...

A timed event

Have you ever thought of applying to be a contestant on a reality TV show? I used to be an avid Survivor watcher! I loved the show and...


Change is something that is inevitable and basically just part of day to day living. It is something that we should ride like a wave and...

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